November 2, 2021

NYSTEC Steps Up in the Battle Against Breast Cancer in October

Back To Community Involvement

NYSTEC’s Community Involvement team was very active in its efforts to support the battle against breast cancer, holding two Think Pink! virtual events one week apart in October. A silent auction to celebrate the cause was held on October 21st, where participants received a sneak peek at the auction items and learned how to place a bid. A second Think Pink! event was held October 28th announcing the winners of the silent auction, again celebrating those battling breast cancer, and honoring survivors and their families.

The events included a personal touch and showcased those at NYSTEC who have had breast cancer touch their lives posting a picture and/or a note about their loved one, or themselves.

All NYSTEC donations at these events went to To Life!, a non-profit organization providing free-of-charge breast cancer education and support services (including support groups, mentoring, a boutique, family services, and wellness classes). Their outreach extends to women and families facing breast cancer, and to any person who is concerned about this disease. To Life! is a local organization serving many of the communities NYSTECers live and work in throughout the 10 counties surrounding the Greater Capital Region of New York.

Total contribution from the two events to date is $5,027, which NYSTEC will be matching.

Thanks to all who participated and generously contributed!



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