January 1, 2021

NYSTEC Continues Tradition of Honoring our Veterans at 2020 Wreaths Across America Event in Saratoga

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Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, Wreaths Across America’s mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 2,100 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad. In the past, NYSTEC has participated by laying wreaths in cemeteries in Saratoga and Rome. This year NYSTEC found a way to participate and honor our veterans. First COVID tried to stop us by limiting the who, when, and where. Then Mother Nature tried to stop us with a huge snowstorm measuring 30+ inches at the cemetery. Being the fearless, dedicated volunteers we NYSTECers are, neither were able to hold us back.

Several NYSTECers arrived on Friday December 18th to unload a truck of 13,000+ wreaths and helped to place them on the Veteran’s resting places. There were hundreds of volunteers and by Saturday afternoon, nearly every grave was memorialized with a beautiful Christmas wreath.



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