September 16, 2021

New Community Partnership Form Between NYSTEC and KIPP Tech Valley Middle School

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NYSTEC and KIPP Tech Valley Middle School (KIPP TVM) have formed a new community partnership. KIPP TVM is part of a larger national network of schools from across the United States with each KIPP school being locally run with its own school board. There are four KIPP schools across Albany, soon to expand into Troy, and has about 1,500 enrolled students. Approximately 92% of students come from economically disadvantaged homes and about 95% of KIPP students are black and brown. KIPP is tailored to meet its community’s needs by providing snacks, meals and longer school days to help keep students nourished both physically as well as intellectually.

A core KIPP mission is to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). In honor of this, NYSTEC has donated $5,000 towards a new Robotics Program for 7th/8th grade students. In addition to the donation, NYSTEC will be recruiting volunteers from our talented staff to help support this great endeavor. The students will be learning how to program the robotics using Scratch, a drag and drop block software and will assemble their own robot.

​​​​​​​KIPP’s ultimate goal is to help raise and educate students to have a life full of choices. NYSTEC fully endorses this and welcomes KIPP to this new community partnership.



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